Activities & Ideas

Six weeks of reading and activity fun during the summer holidays!

Here are some ideas to help you have some fun with books and reading with your child or children.

1 comment:

  1. Some of our parents came up with some good ideas during our Summer Holiday Reading Meeting. They were asked to share ways that they help motivate their children to read. Here were some of their fantastic ideas:

    -Get your child to participate in some fun exercise before reading so that they can burn off some energy. Exercise provides the brain with lots of oxygen which helps us to learn and to focus.
    -Provide children with books covering a wide range of topics.
    -Make sure your child has books on topics which interest them.
    -Set aside a quiet, calm time for reading.
    -Provide incentives to motivate children to read.
    -Take them to the local library.

    Do you have any other great ideas?
